Software Updates


::  New  ::

Flip Racetrack and Quicktrack patterns

Import KML/KMZ Field Boundaries

ETA and ETE to new Home waypoint

Bearing and Track displayed to Waypoints

::  Improved  ::

Confirmation window before Submitting a Job

Auto Repeat indicator clearer on the Display Tile

Login to previous user easier

Shapefile features are now named Field Boundaries 

Alignment of spray to the aircraft icon improved


::  Fixed  ::


Login to AgHippo issues fixed

Flip Back to Back fixed

Aircraft icon would move off screen at tight zoom levels

Aircraft icon would be wrong size at startup

North Up works after panning map


::  New  ::

Spanish language on the Lightbar

Displays Nearest Swath # during SET C

Job name is recorded to the Log 

Logs connection issues between Hub, Lightbar and App with Serial Numbers and Versions

Flow control debug by seeing power sent to valve

Flow Control “I gain” adjustment


::  Improved  ::

Adjusted the Major / Minor Aggressiveness boundary from 25% to 20%

Language operations work more efficiently


::  Fixed  ::


Valve will not move until ready for control when spray is turned on before opening a Job


Lightbar: L1.4.82

Hub: H1.4.82

App: 1.2.34 build: 330

::  New  ::Submit button for Chem-Man as appliedTarget Rate Bump buttons on the mapLubber Line to indicate bearingNorth Up map orientation button on mapRepeat pattern for RacetrackSet flow control to Ounces/AcreETA & ETE is displayed when navigating to a waypoint::  Improved  ::The STRIPS menu is now called WAYPOINTSCan reorder Waypoints in the listMoved the FOLLOW button to the mapAdded a Flip Pattern button to the mapNo longer jumps to the Start screen if you leave the app brieflyMetric support for cross track valuesUpdated the Spanish translations

Change the color of the Current Swath and the Lubber LineImproved readability with fonts and colorsChange your default hemisphere for waypoint coordinatesData fields auto highlight existing values for easier entry of new value::  Fixed  ::Fixed decimal places to not show more digits than necessaryInvalid characters in the Job Name are rejected and ignoredFixed crash on iPhonesMap defaults to Satellite mode which prevents map from showing all blackFixed bugs that occurred after touching a job in the list but not Resuming it1.2.34 build: 330

App: 1.2.31 (307) – Available on the App Store


Lightbar:  L1.4.78 – Both sent directly to the unit

Hub: H1.4.78



:: New ::

AgSync integration

To Do Job list

Combine jobs – AgSync jobs only

Added a Hide button to the shapefile list and the long press menu to remove shape file from the map

Guide To any polygon by long pressing on the map.

New Aircraft and Helicopter icons for the map. Icon is selectable from the menu.

Added thermal state change logging and local notifications to assist with any reported performance issues in the field.


:: Improved ::

Improved readability of Job list

Improved performance of the map screen.

Increased back to back swaths after a closed pattern to 50.

Increased pattern lines on a Back to Back pattern from 250 to 400.

Can now edit the Quicktrack X pattern from the Pattern tile.


:: Fixed ::

Blue swath line shows correctly after setting B. 

Changed default map type from hybrid to satellite in order to avoid iOS issue on

Auto ON/OFF improvements for exclusions and certain shape files

Fixed the Hopper Reset (Tank Volume).

Fixed for liquid flow control issues once Other Flow Control/Monitor System is selected.

Support for displaying more than 11 POI indicators on the map.

Removed Meter selection from the menu.

Overall app performance issues

1.2.30 (290)

:: Improved ::

AA-846 : Increased B2B lines from 250 to 400

:: Fixed ::

AA-816 : Fixed Reabe or AutoCal selection from prohibiting further flow control usage once Other Flow Control/Monitor System is turned back Off.

AA-841 : Touching the Unlock code no longer deletes it if it is UNLOCKED

AA-833 : Disables Unlock code and shows CONNECT TO LIGHTBAR if not yet connected to lightbar

There is no Hub update at this time. Lightbar firmware L1.4.76 is compatible with hub firmware H1.4.74

Lightbar: L1.4.76

:: New ::

Auto On/Off Lead In and Lag Out look ahead

:: Fixed ::
Fixed the resetting of the Hopper volume

App: 1.2.29 (283)

:: New ::

Poly Lead In and Lead Out times can be set for Auto ON/OFFAdds all the shapefiles in a group to the map when a Job is started and removes them when Job closes (AgSync Only)

:: Improved ::

If Complete is pressed while Offline, AgPilotX now automatically sends the command to AgHippo once iPad goes back Online (AgSync Only) Added message describing how to choose Helicopter Lightbar displays Improved colors for visibilityChanged the name of the Complete button to Submit (AgSync Only) Disables Share button if more than 5 Jobs are selected

:: Fixed ::

Edit button was visible on Displays toggle

Lightbar: L1.4.74

:: New ::

Aggressiveness Major controls valve speed when far from target rate

Helicopter Lightbars can now display what the user selects for Far Left and Far Right displays

Hub: H1.4.74

:: New ::

Aggressiveness Major controls valve speed when far from target rate

:: Fixed ::

AutoCal users no longer need to shift the decimal point in their Target Rate

Valve will no longer freeze for 3 seconds when fully closed

Air Repair and Reabe Gate: L1.4.74a / H1.4.74a

Same as above but with CAN support

App: 1.2.27 (280)

:: New ::

Remembers your Display Tile order

Spanish language support

Major / Minor Aggressiveness for enhanced rate control adjustments

AgSync Tasks are grouped in the Jobs List

:: Improved ::

Are you sure? prompt before deleting Jobs

Improved layout of the Jobs list for easier to touch buttons

Added a Select All button to the Jobs list

Supports multi polygon and exclusion zones (as inner rings) from AgSync Work Orders

:: Fixed ::

Fixed Edit button on Jobs list to appear correctly

Ensures that Lightbar is connected before showing Share button

:: NEW ::
  • Poly IN/OUT
  • Shapefiles are removed from the map when the Job is Finished
  • Shapefiles can be Hidden from the map from the Shapefiles Tile
  • Added thumbnails to the Shapefiles menus throughout the app
  • Changed the default Meter Cal to the more standard 378
  • Added translations for the Lightbar Display options
:: FIXED ::
  • Fixed many causes of an app crash
  • Corrected the functionality of the app Backup



:: NEW ::

  • Auto ON/OFF

  • New E message in the log records Errors. Right now it is 1 if Hub Disconnects or when it Connects.

  • Can set simulator position message from app.


  • Simulator flies further on each swath to test certain shapefiles with exclusion zones.

:: FIXED ::

  • Fixed AgLaser.

  • Sprayed swaths on the app match the log.

  • Sprayed swath indicator works again for the current session.

  • Now says WAITING HUB correctly at startup.

  • Fixed Spray-On processing so that it will not read Flow Rate (> 10%) as Spray-On unless the switch to Ignore Switch is set.



:: NEW ::

  • Auto ON/OFF

App Store

1.2.20 (227)

:: NEW ::

  • Selectable Angle of Intercept LEDs. Choose a value from 0.5 to 90 degrees for every LED on the bottom bar of the lightbar.

  • Choose your preferred readout for each of the four lightbar displays: blank, Swath #, Rate / Speed, Heading,

  • Cross Track, Speed, Rate / Area, AgLaser Altitude

  • Added new pattern Quicktrack X. Define using total field width or total swath count.

  • Added ability to define the pattern using Pattern on a Poly.

  • Shapefiles can be displayed in their native color.

  • Shapefiles can display the crop name, planted acres, calculated acres and field count as annotations on the map



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